A private company operating in over 100 countries, HAVI has an unparalleled ability to make connections across the most complex global supply chains. Clients rely on HAVI to solve their toughest challenges in supply chain management, logistics, packaging, and marketing analytics. If you’ve eaten at McDonalds, your food came through a supply chain optimized by HAVI.
After rebranding, and with a renewed focus on expanding their client base, HAVI looked to Majorsystems to consolidate many of their web properties. The goal was to present a single, global, integrated company to prospective clients and the world.
The Challenge
HAVI’s service offerings were spread across at least five different websites with different branding and logos. Each of those sites contained large amounts of content to be analyzed, repurposed, or removed.
Because of the fragmented ecosystem, customers of one service line were often unaware of the integrated nature of HAVI’s offerings. However, each service line was complex and difficult to explain (let alone how they all fit together).
Finally, HAVI sites were not always set up for lead generation, lacking prominent calls to action on the homepage and elsewhere. As a result, site visitors were dropping off at high rates without reaching out.

The Approach
With a clear, practical strategy, careful planning, and thoughtful content and design, we were able to deliver a new website built for lead generation.

Strategic Planning
Our comprehensive website strategy had three areas of focus: adapting the new HAVI brand for the web; creating a conversion funnel and defining user pathways; and developing a site structure that integrated multiple sub-brands.
To facilitate this, we undertook a large-scale content audit of the existing sites, which helped us to ensure we had properly accounted for all content in planning and information architecture.
Outstanding Design
Adapting HAVI’s elegant new visual identity to the website required us to show the way HAVI does business and serves its customers.
The design we developed was clean and consistent, presenting information in simple, digestible form. We paid particular attention to calling out additional or related services, as well as bold calls to action for lead generation.

Bringing it All Together
Content originally on multiple websites needed to speak with one voice. Through a combination of writing, editing, and reshaping of content, we were able to help simplify the way HAVI explained its many services, and ensure the copy was consistent across service offerings.
To help people understand how HAVI’s services added up to a powerful, integrated offering, we created an interactive homepage infographic. The infographic connected prospective customers’ questions with the ultimate benefits of HAVI’s services across the entire supply chain, introducing the brand in an engaging way.
With a single website showing the full portfolio of HAVI’s services, and one unified brand, HAVI is well-positioned to generate leads, grow the business, and increase visibility with prospective employees (another key audience).
We’re continuing to work on development and maintenance of the site, and are currently building out multi-language functionality to enable deeper global engagement.